Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Chocolate for Me

I love chocolate. Really. Love. Chocolate. So free chocolate (after rebate) is going to get my attention. Free chocolate that tastes like Dove chocolate gets the attention of more than just my taste buds.

Hershey has a new premium chocolate line called Bliss. Really, that's what they call it. I mean the premium part, not the name. This is Hershey's folks. They wouldn't know premium chocolate if it came hand delivered with an introductory letter, but if they say so....

Now, I do love to eat Dove, but I don't think of it as a premium chocolate. It's a solid average, every day piece of chocolate. I don't save it for special occasions. I don't hide it in the back of my closet, so the kids don't know it's here. And I don't buy it a few pieces at a time from a specialty store.

It's just chocolate.

I walk past my computer and grab a piece whenever the desire hits. It's not that big of a deal. Calling it premium just seems so pretentious.

Anyway, I opened my first piece today. Not bad; tastes like Dove. Close enough to Dove anyway. I figure I now have twice the chance of finding my chocolate fix on sale.

I did get a kick out of the size of the package. Dove is 9.5oz. Bliss is 9.6oz. Gee, you don't think they're competing with Dove or anything, do you? I mean, if they taste the same and cost the same, I guess that .1 ounce is the deciding factor.

Oh well, more chocolate for me.

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